Name: Span Estate, Parkleys
Date: 1956
Architect: Eric Lyons
Borough: Richmond Upon Thames
Listing: Grade II
Notes: Consisting of flats, maisonettes and shops, this estate is spread around mature trees and hedges, allowing the estate to flow and be part of its neighbourhood. The buildings themselves are influenced by the Scandinavian modernism of the immediate postwar period, with flat roofs, timber windows and tile hanging predominant.
Date: 1956
Architect: Eric Lyons
Borough: Richmond Upon Thames
Listing: Grade II
Notes: Consisting of flats, maisonettes and shops, this estate is spread around mature trees and hedges, allowing the estate to flow and be part of its neighbourhood. The buildings themselves are influenced by the Scandinavian modernism of the immediate postwar period, with flat roofs, timber windows and tile hanging predominant.