Name: Little Green School
Date: 1949
Architect: Herts County Council
County: Hertfordshire
Notes: Herts County Council school in Croxley Green, opened on May 6th 1949, along with its near neighbour Malvern Way. Both schools are well sited in spacious grounds, with the school buildings themselves being the most modest part of the scheme. As with other H.C.C. schools of the era, they are constructed of prefabricated panels made to standard sizes.
Date: 1949
Architect: Herts County Council
County: Hertfordshire
Notes: Herts County Council school in Croxley Green, opened on May 6th 1949, along with its near neighbour Malvern Way. Both schools are well sited in spacious grounds, with the school buildings themselves being the most modest part of the scheme. As with other H.C.C. schools of the era, they are constructed of prefabricated panels made to standard sizes.