Name: Kensal House
Date: 1937
Architect: Maxwell Fry and Elizabeth Denby
Borough: Kensington and Chelsea
Listing: Grade II*
Notes: Housing development, featuring a nursery school, designed by Fry and Denby along with Robert Atkinson, CH James and G. Grey Wornum. The estate was built by the Gas Light and Coke company , and were designed to show the use of modern domestic gas cooking and heating equipment.
Date: 1937
Architect: Maxwell Fry and Elizabeth Denby
Borough: Kensington and Chelsea
Listing: Grade II*
Notes: Housing development, featuring a nursery school, designed by Fry and Denby along with Robert Atkinson, CH James and G. Grey Wornum. The estate was built by the Gas Light and Coke company , and were designed to show the use of modern domestic gas cooking and heating equipment.