Name: Harrow Civic Centre
Date: 1972
Architect: Eric Broughton Associates & Harrow Borough
Borough: Harrow
Notes: Civic centre designed for Harrow by Eric Broughton Associates (who also designed one for Enfield). In the typical concrete style of its era, the centre features a six storey building with a courtyard at its centre, a separate council chamber, library and other ancillary buildings. Currently due to be demolished to make way for housing.
Date: 1972
Architect: Eric Broughton Associates & Harrow Borough
Borough: Harrow
Notes: Civic centre designed for Harrow by Eric Broughton Associates (who also designed one for Enfield). In the typical concrete style of its era, the centre features a six storey building with a courtyard at its centre, a separate council chamber, library and other ancillary buildings. Currently due to be demolished to make way for housing.